Welcome to the first issue of K's E-News. The purpose of E-News is to bring you interesting profiles of personalities and current topics in the needlearts industry. For our premier issue we thought you might like to know a little bit about us. It's always nice to get to know your friends.
K's Creations started the same way the majority of needlework companies start, as a hobby. As so many stitchers do, Kay experienced fatigue while stitching. Being an engineer, Gaylon knew he could come up with better way for her to hold her needlework. After several prototypes the Original Adjustable LapFrame was created.
Since 1987, K's Creations has grown from exhibiting at local craft shows to distributing through thousands of retail outlets in the US, Australia, Mexico and Canada. Our little business has grown from the dinning room table and front porch shipping dock to our current modern manufacturing facility.
From design to finished product, K's Creations utilizes the latest technology and machinery to ensure the superior level of quality and service that K's is known. All of K's products are hand finished to guarantee quality.
Stars of the Needle Arts
Over the coming months, K's E-News will highlight the personalities and products that make our industry exciting. We also will bring you news from behind the scenes.
Have you ever wondered who is behind the wonderful designs that we all enjoy? You know their names, but few know their real personalities. Each issue will profile a different artist, author or industry supplier that keeps our industry exciting. Future issues will include spotlights on companies such as, Strictly Christmas, JB Designs, Pegasus Originals, Just Nan, Needle Necessities, Tapestry Tent and Carron Collection, to name a few. Be sure to keep coming back to see who is our next Star of the Needle Arts.
Product News
By reading K's E-News, you will be the first to learn of new products before they are released to the public. We will show exciting new products we discover at trade shows. You can ask your local shop to order these new products. Just think, wouldn't it be exciting to be the first in your stitching group to have a new design or product before anyone else! Be sure to ask your local retailer about K's new Portable Footrest and Stitchers Caddy.
Customer Feedback and Request
We cannot cover all areas; this is where we need your help. If there is a subject, personality or items you would like profiled let us know! Our best ideas come from our customers. We want to hear from you.
While our main interest is the needlearts, we will from time-to-time include other small items of interest such as a favorite recipe, topic or random subject. Please email us your input and if we use your topic or recipe you could win free merchandise from K's Creations.
The first recipe we are going to offer up is a carefully guarded Schulle family secret. This is the Schulle's answer to chicken soup, Lemon Sponge Cake.
Lemon Sponge Cake
4-Rounded T flour
1 ½-Cups Sugar
2-Rounded T butter
2-Cups milk
Sift flour and sugar together. Work in butter with fingertips until mixture has a meal like texture. Moisten with a little milk. Grate 2 lemons for zest and add to mixture. Add juice of three lemons. Add 4 egg yokes. Blend and add remaining milk. Fold in 4 stiffly beaten egg whites. Makes 10 to 12 individual custard cups. Set cups in pan of hot water and bake at 375 degrees for 15 to 30 minutes or until tops are golden brown. There should be custard on the bottom and a lemon sponge cake top. Be very careful the custard in extremely hot.
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